Sunday, April 10, 2005

Nifty progress bars

Check out this awesome tutorial Lesley made on nifty progress bars over at knit-ticisms. She rocks! Thanks so much!

edit: OK, if I can figure this out, then anyone can. I made mine at 200 pixels for the complete 100% because I couldn't figure out how to start my bars exactly below the title of the project. Once I learn this, I'll probably change it back to 100 pixels for 100%.

Also, I'd like to know how to make those nifty little boxes that outline the possible knitted space... umm, ok that sounded funny. I'm doing to much probability in school lately.. I mean to say, I want a nifty outline of a box to see how close I am to filling it up. Ya dig? I'll shoot Lesley an email and ask her. :)

OOOPS! I made a mistake on my tutorial. I didn't realize it until I saw your bars. (They look great by the way.)

All you need to do to add the 'border' so that you can see how far you have to 'fill it up' is add this line to your .progressbar style so that it looks like this. (I'll make sure to edit my tutorial too.)

.progressbarback {
border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
background: transparent;
height: 20px;
width: 100px;

I forgot the border line that adds, well, the border around your little bar. Whoops! :)
Hi, Thanks for RAOK welcome. I love all your projects and really loved the jumper.
Great job on the progress bars, they look cool!

And more importantly...
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Wishing you health, happiness and the time to enjoy it with those that you love =)
Thanks guys!
Whoops! I know why your border isn't showing up. The border color (signified by the #FFFFFF) is set to white and the background on that portion of your blog is also white. The border is there, you just can't tell! :) All you've got to do is change the #FFFFFF to some other color (i.e. (#000000 is black). THEN your border will show up.

Sorry for all this confusion! :)
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